Book Your Seat

Get rid of your Stress n Overwhelm
- in 8 weeks

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

You will feel so much better

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

Return to work refreshed - at the end of summer

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

Return to work refreshed - at the end of summer

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners.

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

Return to work refreshed at the end of the summer

This is for you if...

A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners, A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners,

. A simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business owners

- Simple solution for stressed out and overworked managers and business

- For stressed out and overworked managers and business owners


I have some really exciting news for you. The Soothe your Overwhelm is open now. You can sign up for the The BlissyJoy Challenge right NOW, and for the next 24 hours, you can get it for a special early-bird price of $XX (normally $XX).

This course focuses on some of the concepts in my book The BlissyJoy but goes even deeper. Best of all, I’ll be there guiding you and encouraging you as you simplify your life.

Joy has the power to change lives. I know it has changed mine in countless ways. But in this course we are going deeper.

If you’ve ever struggled with any of these areas, this course is for you:

  • Living a healthier life with less busyness and distraction
  • Wanting to pursue practical simplicity that helps you create more with less
  • Connecting (or reconnecting) with your heart
  • Living in the present so you can enjoy life more today
  • Setting Boundaries or saying no
  • Letting go of things in your life

The The BlissyJoy Challenge includes three modules titled Making You, Making Space, and Making Time. Each module will help you create the life you want. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, you will have the tools to help you change your life from the ground up. Best of all, the course content is not going away. You will have lifetime access to these tools.

Imagine having healthy boundaries in place, having time to connect with your heart and feeling light and free.

The The BlissyJoy Challenge includes XX videos, helpful exercises, worksheets and exclusive interviews with some of my closest friends and experts, such as xxx xxxx.

I truly want to help you transform your life. In order to do that, support and encouragement are essential, so I’m also including three live group video calls with me as well as access to the Soulful Simplicity online community so you can create lasting change.

If you’d like to learn how The BlissyJoy Challenge can give you a happier, more fulfilled life, click here to learn more and join now. You’ll have immediate access to several introductory video lessons. And if you join before tomorrow (September 10th) at 11:59 Pacific time, you’ll receive an early-bird rate of $99 (normally $129).

In 5 days you could feel

"We don't have to go anywhere to obtain the truth.
We only need to be still
and things will reveal themselves in the clear water of our heart."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Buddhist munk


Easy to learn system 

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Soothing days ahead

During this training you will learn:

Soothing days ahead

During this training you will learn:

Quick transformation

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c/o KnackPunkten

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