Are you sick and tired of being squeezed, pulled, pressured or forced in too many areas of your life? Or do you have the entire extended family’s, and your mother-in-law’s and her cousin’s, to-do-lists on your plate as well? Either way – you might be stuck in this mess, desperately trying to get out – without knowing HOW.
Or are you suffering from trying to get "it ALL done"?
When you are in the middle of a crazy life situation, it might seem impossible to get out of it. And although you have tried, it might even seem as if the harder you try to solve it, the deeper you get into overwhelm and stress.
The biggest reason you are stuck without finding a way out is because you think you are SUPPOSED TO manage it. A big part of you actually believes that there is something wrong with you if you don’t.
But the honest truth is that your are not supposed to manage it – and there’s certainly nothing wrong with you for not managing it. It’s all a crazy, self-imposed illusion. So STOP IT!
But HOW, you might ask? By starting to think more loving and caring about yourself! Even science agrees that loving feelings, towards you and the situation, is the fastest way out of your struggle.

Our imagination and mental processes can stimulate our own defences and healing systems to combat disease, pain and illness. In this book, Dr David R. Hamilton discusses the latest cutting-edge information, using imagery to stimulate the immune system, to benefit cancer patients undergoing conventional treatment, to speed up rehabilitation from stroke, as well as help facilitate recovery from injury and illness.
You can CONTROL your thoughts and feelings
Not everyone knows that it’s actually possible to control what you think and feel in most circumstances. That there is a choice, to either work on improving the emotional control before it wreaks havoc on the body, or to apply repair solutions once the body starts showing symptoms of illness.
The simplest way to start turning dark feelings into light, is to feel gratitude for ALL nice things in life, especially the smallest ones. Don’t wait for the big promotion, the big holiday or the big love to be grateful. Start being grateful right now for the nice neighbour, the bus service and the variety of foods in the store. GET SOOTHING EMOTIONAL RELIEF >
SELF-LOVE is the best place to start
Are you someone who confuses selfishness with self-love? If that’s you, then it is high time to clear up this misconception, once and for all. Here’s a simple definition for you to remember:
SELFISHNESS is when you have no regard for anyone else but yourself
SELF-LOVE is when you boost yourself so that you can be there for others

Science shows that Love creates HEALING HORMONES
Currently, we live in an exciting time, where woo woo is becoming cutting edge science right in front of our eyes. One example, since its’ first discovery several decades ago, is the hormone oxytocin which is celebrated for it’s cell repairing properties in reputable laboratories. This seemingly magical hormon is even dubbed the Love Hormone due to its’ particularly charming results and characteristics.
So go on creating more Love Hormone in your body, and heal all kinds of areas in your life. TRY THE MOST LOVING METHOD >

I’d love to help you! Hello, I’m Joanna Armstrong, and I have been a therapist and mentor since 2009. Primarily, I use the unusually efficient method called Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT-tapping, with my clients.