Boost your Feelings and your Mind in Seconds

to empower your success

Are you like many successful people – feeling powerless and frustrated that certain challenges stand in the way of the happiness you are working so hard for? 

It turns out that you can improve your feelings and mindset in seconds* – in the middle of any challenge – to feel at ease, full of joy and truly satisfied.

Become naturally empowered – whenever you want – with the help of this proven app solution.

At work, in your business, and home

*After using the app a few times, you can get a sense of soothing emotional relief in less than 1 minute.

Based on research from institutions, such as:

Go from struggling with work and personal challenges
To feeling energized, enjoing clarity and a sense of satisfaction

... in seconds

Are you sick and tired of the sabotaging feelings of stress, frustration or overwhelm that spread in your body in a matter of seconds? 

Do you feel guilty for not accomplishing the long lists of to-dos?

Maybe you’re stuck with imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs?

You may even feel secretly ashamed or angry at yourself, that you haven’t been able to resolve your situation and get further on your own.

Don’t beat yourself up – you’re not alone. Challenging feelings have become a modern torment for well-meaning and ambitious business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals like yourself. 

Luckily, you don’t have to struggle much longer. I have a soul soothing solution for you, that my previous clients are raving about.



The Panic Attack Stopped

Thank you so much for helping me get rid of it.

Feels Like Real Sessions

It's like being with you, and I love your voice, it puts me at ease at once.

Thank You So Much

Very few people do this as well as you.

The App Makes Me Feel Better

Thank you for creating this simple tool. And I'm glad there is no tech.

CLICK on the app to listen:

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1. Select the option that applies best to your current situation. Stress, Worry, Fear or Overwhelm.

CAN’T FIND an option that fits?
You will get your own section in the app, once we meet in our private session.

2. You will be guided along a customized step-by-step training. 

3. Look forward to feeling ease, joy and satisfaction really quickly.


Sensing a lightness, a lifting of a burden and feeling of being off the hook. 

Feeling refreshing ease, peaceful flow and self appreciation.

Experiencing a stronger posture, self confidence and optimism for the future.


14-Day Money Back Guarantee

APP DETAILS: Lowers stress levels, reduces anxiety, removes fears, relieves pain, makes for better sleep and much more, according to clinical research. The training in the Feel Better Faster App™ is based on Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT-tapping. It is recommended by doctors, psychologists and emotional experts such as Mark Hyman MD, Ruth Buczynski PhD, Dawson Church PhD, Eric Leskowitz MD, and many more. Works on all mobile phones and computers. 


Download Your App NOW

Use it Everywhere

Before negotiations
After disagreements
Before a date
In cab rides
On the train
In crowded spaces
Before flying
While stressing
When worrying
... and MANY MORE

Works on all mobile phones and computers.


$ 29 VIP Monthly Fee
  • FULL Feel Better Faster App
  • Unlimited use of the app
  • BONUS: Personal Section
  • BONUS: 1:1 Fine Tuning
  • BONUS: Lock in discount
  • 14-Day Money Back GUARANTEE

Feel better about


Joanna Armstrong

Since 2009, I have had the privilege to help professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners to eliminate troubling feelings and stuck behaviors unusually fast. They end up feeling deeply empowered, blissfully joyful and soothingly at ease. 

I have helped my clients get rid of everything from cravings and manias to anxiety and phobias – as well as sleeping difficulties. 

But a few years ago, I got in touch with an inner guidance and a feeling of breathtaking love. My various happiness trainings in are the fruits of this experience.

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